2024 Sale Summary
Join Us on Saturday, December 7, 2024 for the Super Sisters and Special Opportunity Cow Sale and. The sale will be held at Northern Livestock Sales Lloydminster at 1:00 pm MST and will be broadcast live online via DLMS.
If you need bred replacements this fall, these are the best we produce. We keep no hybrid females on the ranch, so you get to purchase our very best each year.
220 Commercial Bred Heifers For Sale, bred for April:
Red Angus x Simmental “Super Baldie Bred Heifers”
Black Angus x Simmental “Black Super Baldie Bred Heifers”
Red Angus x Gelbvieh “Super Guppie Bred Heifers”
Black Angus x Gelbvieh “Black Super Guppie Bred Heifers”
Hereford x Simmental “H-2 Bred Heifers”

These are the sisters of all our industry-leading hybrid bulls. SUPER BALDIES (Red Angus x Simmental) BLACK SUPER BALDIES (Black Angus x Simmental) SUPER GUPPIES (Red Angus/Black Angus x Gelbvieh) and H2 (Hereford x Simmental). Nowhere else can you buy true first generation F-1 crossbreds produced from our purebred cows and the best Fleckvieh Simmental and Gelbvieh bulls money can buy. Maximum hybrid vigor and uniformity. These heifers are the real deal and what you really need. They’re bred to our reliable calving ease Red and Black Angus bulls for a trouble-free first calf April calvers. Groups of half-sisters “one-iron” unique genetics. The heifers are on a complete herd health program.
100 Bred Purebred Red and Black Angus Cows
100 “Special Opportunity” Purebred Red and Black Angus cows will sell again this year. Bred to industry-leading Fleck Simmental bulls, start calving April 1st. Premium $500-over-market bull calf buyback available. Talk to Mac.
75 Bred Purebred Red and Black Angus Heifers
We haven’t sold many purebred heifers in 20 years, and here they are, 75 of our best Purebred Red and Black Angus Heifers, bred to purebred Red and Black Angus bulls, start calving April 1st. Selling in small packages and singles. Some “extra age” heifers.
Purebred Charolais Open Heifers
New this year: A sweet little package of purebred Charolais open “extra age” heifers.
They’ll all be in the Bred Heifer Sale at Northern Livestock Sales Lloydminster on Saturday, December 7, 2024. The sale starts at 1 pm.
Northern Livestock Sales information
The sale will also be broadcast live online via DLMS for online bidding. www.dlms.ca
Mac Creech
M.C. Quantock Livestock
(780) 875–8167
1–800–561–BULL (2855)
[email protected]
Jim Pulyk
Northern Livestock Sales Lloydminster
(780) 787-0646
To View the Sale Live Online
If you’re not already registered to view or buy online go to http://www.dlms.ca/account/register
For approval to bid on upcoming sales bidders must contact DLMS (780) 554-4939.