M.C. Quantock Bred Heifers
The sisters to our Hybrid Bulls will be selling at Nilsson Bros Livestock Exchange in Vermilion, Alberta on December 13, 2014 at noon.
Nilsson Bros in Vermilion http://vermilion.nbinc.com/
The sale will also be broadcast live online via DLMS for online bidding. www.dlms.ca
Red Angus x Simmental “Super Baldie Bred Heifers”
Black Angus x Simmental “Black Super Baldie Bred Heifers”
Red Angus x Gelbvieh “Super Guppie Bred Heifers”
Bred to Red Angus M.C. Quantock Heifer Bulls from June 25 for April and early May calves
Most of these heifers are fall born so they will be 30 months at first calving, big, strong, broody heifers.
All heifers are true F-1’s from our purebred angus cows and Fleckvieh Simmental and Gelbvieh sires. Nowhere else can you find true F-1’s from two purebred parents. Guaranteed hybrid vigor.
For details contact:
Mac Creech
M.C. Quantock Livestock
(780) 875 – 8167
1 – 800 – 561 – BULL (2855)
Jim Pulyk
Co-Manager & Fieldman at Nilsson Bros.
(780) 853 – 0626
Nilsson Bros in Vermilion

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To View the Sale Live Online
If you’re not already registered to view or buy online go to http://www.dlms.ca/account/register
For approval to bid on upcoming sales bidders must contact DLMS – Shelby Vuylsteke at 780 – 554 – 4939.